Criminal case for earthquake victims against NAM expanded with two cases

The ongoing criminal case of the Groninger Soil Movement (GBB) against NAM is being expanded. So far, the case has revolved around one case. That will now be three, the interest group for victims of gas extraction reports to RTV North.

The criminal case, which has been running since 2017, revolves around the question of whether the gas company from Assen has deliberately put people at risk. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) already wanted to put an end to the case last year, because there would be no intent in any case. But the court in Leeuwarden thought otherwise in one case and ordered the Public Prosecution Service to investigate this matter further.

The lawyers of the GBB had two cases added to the file at the court yesterday. These emerged after a call from the GBB to its supporters. Spokesperson Merel Jonkheid: “We received fifteen responses to our call. These two cases are the strongest. There was talk of ‘code red’. In both cases people had to leave their homes immediately.” According to the GBB, the houses were immediately declared uninhabitable.

The impact of the criminal case is great, says Jonkheid: “During the parliamentary inquiry into gas extraction, it turned out that this criminal case has a major influence. Much more than we expected.”

She refers to the statement of Shell CEO Ben van Beurden, who decided to close the criminal case game changer mentioned. During his interrogation, Van Beurden said that he found it ‘pretty difficult’ that Shell was suddenly accused of endangering people’s lives. With the prospect of that criminalization in view, he actually wanted to immediately stop gas extraction in Groningen.

The GBB is pleased with the new development. Jonkheid: “Of course you are stronger with three cases than with one. We know that there are more such cases. But not everyone is showing off with them or is willing to talk about them. Because usually it concerns a few years ago. And it must all be legally correct, of course. But as far as we are concerned, you cannot ignore the fact that these people were in mortal danger.”

The only case in this matter so far was that of Hiltje Zwarberg from Termunterzijl (municipality of Eemsdelta). About the two added cases, the GBB spokesperson only wants to say that these are cases in the municipalities of Het Hogeland and Midden-Groningen. “We have agreed with these people that we will keep them out of the press.”

The spokesperson for the NAM informs RTV Noord that he will come up with a response later.
