Dead wallaby had been lost for a year after vandals smashed his fence

The albino wallaby that was found dead in a ditch in Biezenmortel on Sunday most likely escaped from a garden in ‘s-Gravenmoer at the end of last year. He then ran off with five other fellows. They were found a little later, so now number six seems justified.

Written by

Sven de Laet

It soon became clear that it had to be the missing wallaby, says Robert Jan van Wijnen. Several animals, including the small kangaroos, live on the plot of land around his parental home.

“We have about 30 wallabies and some deer, for example. It goes very well together and the people in the village can look at it from the outside. It is a well-known spot in the area.”

But last November things went wrong. A group of wallabies escaped when vandals ripped open the gate around the garden with a quad bike. They might have wanted to steal the animals, but they were too quick for the thieves and escaped.

“We missed one more.”

Four of them were caught by the fire brigade, a fifth was brought back by a local resident. “But we missed one more.”

And so the puzzle was laid. “One and one equals two. When we saw that message on Facebook, we first counted the animals in our garden. There were none missing. So it must almost be the last escaped wallaby. Although we will never be 100 percent sure. We can’t ask anymore unfortunately.”

Last week a wallaby also escaped in Wouw. That animal is still not right. However, it soon became clear that it could not be the same copy. The escaped wallaby in Wouw has a different color,” said spokesman Rens van Lieshout of Dierenambulance Brabant Noord-Oost.


Wallaby is dead in the ditch, but it’s not the wallaby from Wouw

Five wallabies escaped back to owner ‘s-Gravenmoer
