Power struggle at Hannover 96: Higher Regional Court also decides per child

Status: 11/08/2022 5:18 p.m

Managing director Martin Kind from the second division football club Hannover 96 has brought in another point victory in the legal dispute with the parent club.

The Higher Regional Court of Celle also ruled in favor of the 78-year-old in the power struggle between Hannover 96 eV and the majority shareholder of the Porfi department. The 9th civil senate “agreed with the managing director and thus confirmed a corresponding decision by the Hanover district court,” the court said on Tuesday. The parent club had appealed against the first decision of the regional court.

A decision on the main proceedings is pending

In its judgment, the chamber referred to this first decision by the court, which, in so-called summary proceedings in mid-August, considered Kind’s dismissal as managing director of Hannover 96 Management GmbH by the parent association to be void.

The parent association sees its right to issue directives as restricted. Kind points out that according to the Articles of Association, only the Supervisory Board of Management GmbH, which consists of two representatives each from the capital and the association, may dismiss him.

The Higher Regional Court announced that a final decision on the main proceedings – i.e. the oral hearing – is still pending. This was heard at the district court in October and the decision of the first procedure was confirmed.

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sports club | 10/30/2022 | 10:50 p.m
