Jetten investigates disconnecting heat network price from gas price | Inland

“I am looking at how I can quickly adjust the heat law so that a better price for heat can be arranged,” said Minister Rob Jetten for Climate and Energy before the start of the weekly Council of Ministers. “It would be much fairer to base the price of heat on heat and not on anything else.”

According to 44 municipalities, an estimated half a million users of the heat networks are faced with excessive energy bills due to the sharp rise in gas prices. They fear that support for the energy transition is diminishing due to the rise in prices for district heating, the municipalities wrote to Jetten this week. They asked him to act quickly.

At the end of last year, the Consumers’ Association, Woonbond and Vereniging Eigen Huis also wrote a letter to the Ministry of Economic Affairs about the “huge increase” in heat rates. They also pointed out that users of the heat network cannot switch to another supplier; they are tied to one supplier.


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