Mimi Parker (Low) is dead





Mimi Parker is dead. The singer and drummer of the band Low contracted ovarian cancer in 2020 and died of complications on November 5, 2022 at the age of 55.

On their official Twitter account, Low confirmed the news on November 6th. They write:

“Friends, it’s hard to put the universe into language and into a short message, but she passed away last night, surrounded by family and love, including yours. Keep her name close and sacred. Share this moment with someone who needs you. Love is indeed the most important thing.”

Parker formed the indie rock and slow core band in Minnesota in 1993 with her husband Alan Sparhawk and had two children. The group finally consisted of the two alone. They released 13 studio albums in their career, the last HEY WHAT was released in 2021 like the six previous ones on Sub Pop. It reaches number 16 of our 50 albums of 2021. Maik Brüggemeyer wrote:

“No other band manages to deconstruct their sound so impressively and consistently. on “Double Negatives” In 2018, Low let producer BJ Burton alienate their apocalyptic folk songs with the means of mainstream pop. On the equally masterful follow-up, her anthemic harmonies now sit pristine and angelic above a cold, harsh ocean of distorted electronica.”




