Zelensky: “Iran is over drone leveringen aan Russia, we want to shoot him dagelijks zeker tien uit de lucht” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

updatesThe Eastern President Volodymyr Zelensky says that Iran is over het delivery of military drones to Russia. The Iraanse Buitenlandminister said two days later that he was just about a “small one” and that the Leveranges wanted to start van de Oorlog in Oekraïne hadden Plaatsgevonden.

The Iranian government recognized the army for the first drones to be lifted from Russia. Maar de uitlatingen van de Minister come volgens Zelenksy not overeen met de warheid. The Oekraïense president states that there are fewer data that are given to Iranian drones from the air. Are midden September zijn he volgens Kiev al sea dan driehonderd neergehaald.

“When Iran remains above what is in hand, there are more parts that must be delivered from the terrorist works that must be done by the Russian and Iranian regimes in separate zones, and that Russia and Iran are responsible for the same work,” says Zelensky.

Het Oekraïense ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken haalde eerder op de dag al uit naar Iran. “Tehran must be smothered by the ensuing threat to the Russian aggression against Austria, which is greater than that of the country in Russia,” the statement reads. Russia ontkent in Oekraïne Iraanse drones te gebruiken.

Planned Stroomonderbrekingen

Russia sees drones in front of a wall near Doelen in Oekraïne, with the name of the (energy) infrastructure. The Oekraïense people’s word for the regulation of opgeroepen zo min mogelijk elektriciteit te Gebruiken. Energieleveranciers zijn overgegaan op geplande Stroomonderbrekingen om overloading van de networks te voorkomen om de infrastructuur te knnen repairen.

Oekraïne en zijn westerse bondgenoten accuse Iran he al long van drones te hebben geleverd aan Rusland. The Europese Unie besloot previous maand Iran daarvoor te sanctioneren. Het country was also accused of delivering rockets to Russia, but in the present day the delivery of drones was said to be no older than the Iranian authorities.

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