Climate adhesives block again in Spandau and Mitte

Climate blockers on Friday morning on Landsberger Allee

Climate blockers at an action (archive photo) Photo: Sven Meissner

From BZ/dpa

Climate demonstrators have continued their protest in Berlin with street blockades.

According to the police, the area around Spandauer Damm, at the corner of Wiesendamm in Spandau and in Mitte at the corner of Torstrasse and Rosenthaler Strasse were affected on Friday morning. A total of ten people took part in the actions, seven of whom were stuck to the asphalt, said a police spokeswoman.

The protest group “Last Generation” published photos of the actions on Twitter and wrote: “We are continuing the blockades in #Berlin.”

The group is increasingly criticized after a serious accident in Berlin, which resulted in the death of a cyclist on Thursday evening, according to the police. Numerous politicians are calling for tougher action, and climate activists are increasingly being attacked on social networks.

According to the fire brigade, the arrival of a special vehicle to rescue the injured was delayed due to a traffic jam in the accident at the beginning of the week. The traffic jam is said to have been triggered by an action by the climate protest group.

The “Last Generation” asked on Friday: “Have courage. Support us!“. It went on to say: “The biggest risk for humanity is simply going on with everyday life. The greatest danger is that the government will not take even the simplest security measures.”


Berlin traffic Berlin police climate activists climate strike
