Olivia’s mother, already in prison, remains silent about the murder of her daughter

Noemi Martinez Largo, the 48-year-old woman investigated for allegedly killing her six-year-old daughter Olivia, in her apartment on Gaspar García Laviana Avenue last Sunday, entered the Asturias Penitentiary Center this Wednesday after going to court, where he accepted his right not to testify. Both the private accusation, which is brought by the girl’s paternal family, and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, requested her admission to provisional prison, communicated and without bail, based on “the seriousness of the facts” with which she is accused, “the high level of the penalties” that he could assume in case of conviction (the crime meets the requirements for reviewable permanent prison) and “the risk of flight”. This woman, a native of El Espinar (Segovia), was found, as reported by LA NUEVA ESPAÑA, from the Prensa Ibérica group, in bed next to the lifeless body of her daughter, whom she supposedly killed after having lost her guard and custody last Friday in favor of the father.

The investigated had been guarded by the National Police since the agents entered the house where he allegedly murdered his daughter on Sunday. After being discharged from the Hospital de Jove, where she was admitted after a minimal intake of pills (at no time was her life in danger), she was transferred to the El Natahoyo police station, where she arrived already handcuffed and after rights reading. There were two nights that she spent her alleged infanticide, in which, according to the police sources consulted, she “did not cause problems.” “I only saw her go to the bathroom, I didn’t hear anything from her. She was disheveled and very pale,” described a woman who coincided with her in the dungeons on Wednesday.

The time in police custody allowed the agents of the Specialized and Violent Crime Unit (Udev), at the head of the investigation, to carry out the necessary steps to prepare a report that, in the end, is around 250 pages. In fact, two agents arrived at the Palace of Justice yesterday, almost at the same time as the detainee, with boxes sealed with National Police adhesive. A few minutes later, at 1:16 p.m., a patrol car (the well-known “zetas”) arrived with Noemí Martínez Largo. “The best thing is that he goes to prison, because when he gets over his paranoia and sees what he put together, he still goes and throws himself over the Hill,” an agent was heard saying who entered and left this Wednesday through the access that leads to the dungeons of the courts. Another patrol carried the belongings of the detainee before the more than probable admission to prison.

In the hearing room, the head of Court number 1 was waiting for him, Caroline Montero, the magistrate who was present at the time the body was removed, at dawn. And that yesterday she was no longer on duty (the changeover takes place on Wednesdays at 9 a.m.), but she decided to take a statement from Noemí Martínez and decide on her personal situation even though the weekly shift had already ended, since she is going to be the judge instructor of the case. However, the detainee, just as she did at the police station before the agents, and by the directive of her lawyer, of her duty, the investigated availed herself of her right not to testify.

This woman’s silence was quickly broken by both the Prosecutor’s Office and the private prosecution, requesting, based on the evidence provided to the procedure by the Police, her admission to preventive detention due to the seriousness of the facts, among other arguments that, as expected , endorsed the magistrate, decreeing his entry into prison. She is attributed, at the beginning, a crime of murder. It is not trivial, nor very usual, that, from the outset, the facts are described in this way, since it reveals that there are clear indications that there was voluntariness in the action of Noemí Martínez Largo against her daughter, in addition to the aggravating circumstance of kinship and the helplessness that, being minor, goes by itself. It is true that, as clarified in the information provided by the Superior Court of Justice of Asturias (TSJA), that “without prejudice to the fact that the qualification could be modified throughout the instruction”. There is no longer a summary secret.

This request for admission to prison was opposed, as usual, by the defense attorney, of the official shift. “She was in shock, like in a cloud,” the lawyer described to questions from this newspaper after the magistrate’s order was issued. Her client has said nothing since her arrival at the police station. The only thing that is known is what she warned when she arrived at Jove’s Hospital, when she revealed that either the girl was with her or with no one, because “better dead” than “with an abuser.” Everything indicates, as the minor’s family insists, that Noemí Martínez had her intentions clear since she learned last Friday that she had lost custody, because as soon as she arrived in Gijón on Saturday, after picking up little Olivia in Segovia, He supplied him with the medicines through food to end his life.

Noemí Martínez headed for the Asturias Penitentiary Center yesterday afternoon in a Civil Guard vehicle. The first thing upon his arrival, as another prisoner, was the medical examination to determine the suitability of transferring him to the women’s unit or, on the contrary, to the infirmary, for greater supervision. What is certain, given the nature, the depressive background of the investigated and that it is a first-time inmate, according to the prison sources consulted by this newspaper, is that the Suicide Prevention Protocol (PP) was activated, which It implies, among other issues, having a trusted inmate to avoid self-injurious behavior during his first days of deprivation of liberty.

From the Asturias prison, the alleged infanticide will follow the entire development of the judicial investigation of the case, which is expected to be long to later ensure a conviction for the facts. The forensic examination issued by the court’s psychosocial team, with a personal interview included, will be essential for the case. “It will be exhaustive,” say the judicial sources consulted, since there are defenses or extenuating circumstances that could alleviate the sentence. However, based on the events that have occurred and the reflections made by the accused since she lost custody of her daughter, they reveal an awareness of her actions that make her perfectly prosecutable to take her to the bench so that she can be judged by a judge. popular jury.

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The entire medical history of this woman, who had been undergoing treatment for several years, will also be contributed to the case. These data are in the Health of Castilla y León (Sacyl) and are important for the development of the case. It is known from the investigation that Noemí Martínez had a large number of medications throughout the house, many of them in a tuper that the Scientific Police found in the kitchen. Finding a way to apply a defense or mitigation may be the defense’s only option to avoid a harsh conviction. According to the Penal Code, this crime meets the necessary parameters for Noemí Martínez to be sentenced to a reviewable permanent prison.

Another of the keys to the case will be knowing in detail what medications, and the quantity, that he gave his daughter. It is certain that Noemí Martínez made sure of achieving her objective because the minor had been deceased for many hours when she was located. It is known, as revealed by her family, that the intake of medications caused a cardiorespiratory arrest that caused the death of little Olivia.
