the effects of time change on health

The dawn of Sunday October 30 the clocks will go back one hour (at 03:00 in the morning it will be 02:00) and Spain will enter the Winter time. The autumn time modification is applied in all countries of the European Union (EU). Thus, from Sunday it will dawn and dusk earlier, until the next March change is made to enter daylight saving time. This modification entails health effects of people, as two doctors explain in this newspaper.

Why is the time changed?

The argument that has always been given is that it is changed to reduce the energy expenditure, although there are experts who question this saving. “The time change is made for us to work with light,” he says. Rafael Padros, responsible for the occupational risk prevention service at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona). In his opinion, the EU experts must consider “whether it makes sense or not” to change the time each summer and winter. In fact, European experts have already drawn up a transition plan to end time changes and establish natural time zones permanently in Europe. That plan, which must be agreed by the Council of the EU, proposes to keep the winter time because it is the natural time.

What is the main effect?

When the schedule is changed, people experience a “a little ‘jet lag'” or “misfit”, which is given by external signals, that is, by the time they are exposed to light. The pulmonologist explains Nuria Grau, coordinator of the interdisciplinary sleep unit at Hospital del Mar (Barcelona). “There are also changes in the Cardiac rhtyms, which are the physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle,” says Grau.

In summer there are many more hours of light: 15, compared to nine in winter. “When there is less light, increases melatonin -that sunlight inhibits-, which is a hormone that intervenes in the sleep regulation” Grau says. Melatonin produces drowsiness and warns you to go to sleep. Thus, its increase causes “feeling tired and fatigued”.

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Are there more traffic accidents?

According to research, yes. “Years ago the Americans described that, the day after the time change, there is a small increase of traffic accidents. Either because we are tired or because there are more hours of darkness, the truth is that driving can be more dangerous.

Does it worsen mental health?

“We all know that mood more depressed when autumn arrives”, answers Grau. Between 1% and 10% of the population may feel more downcast and this is due to “alterations in the metabolism of melatonin” and because “lowers the production of neurotransmitters”, which are important to “maintain the waking tone and mood”. “People start and end the day with darkness and that causes a melancholic state,” says Padrós. The light It is a mood enhancer.

Dr. Grau warns that there is “certain possibility” that there is a Increased weight, because the drop in serotonin (which regulates emotions and appetite) leads to “eat more” as people are less satiated. “In addition, during the hours of darkness we are more at home, there is less light and we do less outdoor sports,” says the pulmonologist.

Who suffers more?

Vulnerable people, like kids Y old people, since they have a “more fragile” sleep rhythm. So do employees who have rotating shifts. But, in any case, “in two or three days” all people tend to adapt. Padros points to “one week”.

Doctors recommend that people try to adjust to the change a few days before, for example, go to sleep 15 minutes before the previous days until completing the hour. Also do outdoor activity taking advantage of daylight hours and that the schedules, both for meals and sports, are as regular as possible. “Y avoid screens before going to sleep, at least two hours before,” says Grau, since blue light cancels out melatonin and prevents sleep.
