Selin Ciğerci’s mini shorts were the event! He answered those who asked about the youth elixir

Selin Ciğerci, who decided to lose weight after her divorce and gave herself to sports, enchanted everyone with her pose with her short shorts. Selin Cigerci gave the answer “Singleness” to her followers who said, “Have you found the youth elixir?”

Selin Cigerci, who was caught again with Gökhan Çıra after her divorce and wondered what happened between them, decided to stay alone. Selin Cigerci, who devoted herself to sports, finally presented her post-workout pose in front of the mirror with a coffee cup beside her, with the note “A real pleasure coffee next to me” to her followers.

Hundreds of comments were made on Cigerci, who gained recognition in a short time, such as “I think divorce helped”, “I don’t know if you don’t regret leaving” and “I admire your determination, good luck to you”.

Some followers of Cigerci said, “Did you find the youth elixir?” posed the question. Selin Cigerci, on the other hand, gave the answer “Singleness”, implying that the divorce was beneficial for her.

İrem Derici did not leave Selin Cigerci without comment. Derici said to the post, “Girl, what have you become?” Cigerci replied, “I am preparing to launch a missile, let me know if there is a party at home”.



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