SC Freiburg and Union Berlin score in the Europa League

Quote from FobaBett

Puuh, Union also urgently needed the gift.
Unfortunately, the Berliners don’t act. Almost nothing happens offensively when they have to do something for the game themselves. It becomes quite evident in such do-or-die games.
They probably could have played on for two more days without making a dig.

Braga downplayed that today, almost like a Union, they knew about the weaknesses of the iron and didn’t have to score three times. The referee just spat in the soup.

For me it’s just too one-dimensional. I’m not expecting hooray football, but I’m expecting a different approach. You can’t always hope that the opponent will win the game and somehow/when someone falls in front.
If the goal is relegation, this tactic is probably legitimate. But I hardly think that people in Berlin are satisfied with that anymore…

Yes, after the umpteenth comment from you, we now understand that you don’t like Union’s playstyle. That’s your right and you can continue to write that under every Union article, that’s all good.

What I don’t understand is why you regularly allow yourself to be carried away with speculative statements about Union, even though you obviously haven’t dealt with the club management, the players, the fans or the club environment in the slightest.

From your comments you can see pretty well why Union continues to do well by sticking to the goal of staying up and not worrying about other things. For the fans standing there in the stadium, it doesn’t matter what the opponent’s name is, it doesn’t matter which competition was played; it doesn’t matter where they are in the table and it doesn’t matter what kind of pressure is put on by outsiders like you.

It. itches nobody. In. Koepenick.

As long as the team is committed, there will be celebrations and cheers.

Of course, Union also wants to be successful, every club wants that. But this is exactly the point. Across the board at Union, success is not defined by championships, participation in international competitions, top transfers or as many followers as possible, away from EVERYONE involved.

At Union, success means that the team is well adjusted by the coaching team and collectively gives full performance. Always and for as long as possible. You can write off fan chants about “German champion only the FCU” under celebration of the snapshot. Who knows when and if we will ever be in that position again. We just enjoy this without thinking too much about it.

So, to finally correct your last sentence. Yes, they are completely satisfied with staying up in the league in Berlin. At least in red and white Berlin. Others will have to answer what it looks like in Berlin-Westend, that’s not my beer
