Linda de Mol finds high viewing figures for the Nick & Simon interview ‘sad’

Linda de Mol thinks it is a shame that a talk show like that of Eva Jinek scores better with Nick & Simon than with guests at the table who have real problems. “How sad really,” she says.


Linda de Mol is currently on the tube with one of the worst TV series ever in the Netherlands, namely Five Live. This drama series, in which a presenter of a talk show is central, attracts very little attention. And that while Linda has done her best on it; according to her, it is a perfect reflection of what talk shows really are.

Nick & Simon

According to Linda, it is a current topic. “The battle for the best guest, the most spectacular story and therefore for the viewing figures has never been so fierce,” she says in her magazine LINDA.

Linda says things aren’t getting any better. She is concerned about the level of the Dutch talk show. “How sad that you score better with the break between Nick and Simon than with ordinary people at the table who tell you that they can no longer make ends meet.”


Why Linda is so disdainful of Nick & Simon is unclear. Her best friend Antoinnette Scheulderman was also very negative about the singing duo last month.

It could have to do with the fact that Simon sneered in February about Jeroen Rietbergen, Linda’s (ex) sweetheart. According to the singer, Jeroen has tried to decorate his wife Annemarie. “Where I was just standing next to.”

Linda interview

The interview with Nick & Simon at Eva Jinek was highly anticipated and attracted more than 1 million viewers. Linda herself is still under pressure to give an interview about her position in the Voice abuse scandal.

According to Luuk Ikink, Eva does not seem the ideal candidate for this, because her objectivity will soon be doubted. This month she is in the LINDA with a huge glamor shoot.
