Berlin’s Prater will soon be beautiful again

The Prater in Kastanienallee in Prenzlauer Berg

The Prater in Kastanienallee in Prenzlauer Berg Photo: Ralf Gunther

By Tristan Filges

If everything works out, Berlin’s Prater in Prenzlauer Berg will blossom again in the spring.

The listed building including gallery and theater as well as the historic gateway will be further renovated over the winter.

The district of Pankow, owner of the property, has been planning the restoration since 2016. But it wasn’t until 2019 that the craftsmen got started. Three quarters of the work has now been completed.

The Prater archway was built in 1875.  A team of restorers is currently removing dry rot from the ceiling

The Prater archway was built in 1875. A team of restorers is currently removing dry rot from the ceiling Photo: Ralf Gunther

District Mayor Sören Benn (54, Left) has not yet been able to give an exact date. Because delivery difficulties always cause problems.

The beer garden will not be renovated. Reason: dispute with the tenant. She has been fighting the conversion since 2020 because she fears financial losses. Even in court, where she was always right.

The district is now hoping for talks. According to Benn, they want to discuss “every single measure” in direct dialogue. Cost of the renovation so far: 12 million euros.

7.34 million euros came from the “Urban Monument Protection” funding program, 3.63 million euros from the budget of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and 1.47 million euros from the district’s own funds. In addition, the German Foundation for Monument Protection is contributing 75,000 euros. It could be that the costs will continue to rise in the coming months, Benn admits. However, he is certain that he will be able to raise the funds for the financing.


Beer garden Prenzlauer Berg renovation theater
