What you can do about psoriasis

From BZ/dpa

The feeling of drawing everyone’s attention. Fear of the next boost. Or constant itching or pain in the skin. Psoriasis often causes a lot of stress for those affected. What helps?

Not only taking good care of the body, but also of the soul: This is all the more important for everyone who has psoriasis.

Because the chronic inflammatory skin disease often also affects the psyche. And not just the scaly skin areas and the symptoms that they bring with them – but also the looks from outside or the fear that the disease will get worse.

But what strengthens the soul when the skin is acting up? The “Please touch” initiative of the Professional Association of German Dermatologists (BVDD) provides tips.

Acknowledge mental stress – and act

One thing in advance: Pull yourself together and hope for improvement – that’s not a long-term solution. Because with psoriasis, for example, the risk of developing depression also increases. The earlier it is treated, the better.

According to the BVDD, those affected should also make it clear: the fact that psoriasis hits them mentally has nothing to do with personal failure or weakness.

Find a way to deal with stress

Stress can make psoriasis worse. However, since it is also the disease itself that is stressing those affected, a vicious circle sets in in the worst case.

But it can be slowed down – by keeping an eye on your stress level and actively trying to reduce stress.

This can look very different from person to person: while one person recharges their batteries with yoga and mindfulness exercises, the other works out with sports.

accept outside help

It is not always possible to find a strategy yourself to strengthen the psyche. Then, according to the BVDD, patient training courses that are specially tailored to the situation of people affected by psoriasis can help.

Where exactly such offers are available, those affected can find out from their dermatologist’s practice or from their health insurance company.

Self-help groups can also be good for the psyche. Because there those affected see that they are not alone with the disease. And they get an idea of ​​how others are living with psoriasis – inspiration that you might be able to incorporate into your own life.

And if the psychological strain is very great? Then psychotherapy can be useful. The best way to do this is to talk to your dermatologist or family doctor first, because many of them have additional psychological qualifications.
