The boy Oliver arrives today in Barcelona from Mexico to undergo surgery for a brain tumor

  • The flight, which costs about 200,000 euros and has been paid for by a Spanish businessman who prefers to remain anonymous, will arrive a little before two

Oliver, the two and a half year old boy who has a brain tumor, will arrive this noon in a medicalized plane from Cancun (Mexico) to Barcelona to be operated on by a medical team from the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, in Esplugues de Llobregat.

After several postponements, it is planned that the flight, which costs about 200,000 euros and that a Spanish businessman who prefers to remain anonymous has paid, arrives in Barcelona a little before 2 p.m. today, According to hospital sources confirmed to EL PERIÓDICO.

On the medicalized plane only the patient and a companion can travel, in this case the mother by Oliver, Lena.

That is why the father Alexander Romero, a man from Malaga who has been working as a diving instructor in Playa del Carmen for a year, took a regular flight to Madrid on Monday, where he arrived yesterday to connect with another plane to Barcelona, where he landed late Tuesday afternoon.

travel problems

Oliver’s uncle, David Romero, explained to EFE that the little boy stayed in a Cancun hotel with his mother, after heThe family unsuccessfully tried to fly to Spain on a commercial plane, who were not allowed to board by the health status of the minor and by not having a medical document authorizing the flight.

The child spent the night well and is calm and happy to have left the hospital and be able to fly to Spain, according to Romero, who is a diving instructor in La Herradura (Granada) and who has also traveled to Barcelona to meet his brother there and receive Oliver and his mother tomorrow.

The boy’s parents took him to the hospital on October 13 when they noticed that he had trouble walking, he was listless, weak and had lost his appetite.

There they made several diagnostic tests who concluded that Oliver had a brain tumor in the posterior fossa and also hydrocephalus, that is, accumulation of an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.


Oliver’s status got worse notably in a matter of days, to the point that he stopped eating, talking and walking, so last Wednesday they urgently removed the fluid that was pressing on his brain and causing him to lose cognitive functions.

Oliver is now “better”, more lively and has regained some mobility, but the tumor, which “it’s very big and it’s very close to the brainstem,” It is still there and it is urgent to operate on it to prevent it from spreading.

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The Mexican hospital in which Oliver was admitted he did not dare to remove the tumor and gave him “between fifteen days and a month of life expectancy”.

Upon learning of his case, the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona contacted the family and offered to assess Oliver and perform the operation.
