The key to accessing global markets in food safety

To reach more and better markets, it is necessary to add maximum transparency, information and certainty about the manufacturing process of food products, whether they are intended for humans or animals: international certification is the best guarantee for this, a true gateway to the big leagues of global commerce.

A reliable path is to opt for the largest food certification scheme in the world, the GMP+ International, associated with laboratories of excellence that carry out risk analyzes and are trained to detect any undesirable substances. In Argentina, the Rosario laboratory GreenLab is the maximum reference.

Erica Siegrist is a Dutch registered lead auditor with the GMP+ FSA scheme and Quality Manager of GreenLab. “Food safety is a tool to guarantee animal and human health and having a certification is the best letter of introduction for a company,” she emphasized.

Companies certified under this food safety scheme obtain a license to sell with the highest levels of transparency and publicly accessible information: “Certification opens new doors and markets and guarantees rights,” the specialist stressed, adding that the latest annual report of GMP+ makes explicit the right of all people in the world, regardless of where they live or who they are, to consume safe food: “We are talking about the human right to healthy and reliable food, free of contaminants. It is very important to know that we all have that right,” she maintained.

form a community

From GMP+ they work with the idea that each link in the production chain is responsible for the final result, which must always provide and guarantee safe and innocuous food for everyone. For this, it is key that each actor in this long process, where the data generated in the laboratory is fundamental, can be certified and live up to the most demanding standards at a global level: “Each link has to be insured, each small part it must do its job, because everything adds up to the idea of ​​community. It is very important to integrate a society, get out of what is strictly commercial and also participate as experts in collective life and knowledge,” said the specialist, who is a member of different monitoring committees of experts at the national and international level.

“Having indicators means making accurate decisions. Therefore, having a food safety management system is adding value,” argued the expert, for whom a certification “is a letter of introduction that speaks of the company, the industry, its commitment to the community and the future in global markets.

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