Josep Bou (PP) will resign before the elections: “This is over”

The president of the PP group at Barcelona City Council, Josep Bou, will resign from the act of councilor before the end of the mandate. That is, before the municipal elections of 2023. He announced it this Monday night in an interview on betevé, where he has assured that it would not make “any sense” to finish the four-year term if he will not be mayor for the PP in these elections. “I have given my word and this is over,” he has settled. The relationship between Bou and the leadership of the PP in Catalonia has been tense since he entered as councilor and it has gotten even worse during these three and a half years. The two councilors of the municipal group each carry their own agenda.

The still leader of the popular in the consistory has explained that he is agreeing with the general direction the exact moment in which he will leave his positions. When he does, he has promised, he will do it “right” so that no one gets “hurt” and he can get out “with decency.” When they have the agreed date, it will be communicated to the mayor and all the relevant procedures will be done. He added that from then on the president of the municipal group will become the current number two, Òscar Ramírez.

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Regarding his future, he has said that he will take a “pause” in politics but has not ruled out returning, either in the City Council or in the Parliament, and within the PP or other formations. He confirms, thus, that he is “open” to being signed by a party later but “under no circumstances” by an independentist party. However, he has not been spared assessing the difficulty of the popular to find head of the list in the Catalan capital, which he has considered “very unfortunate.” “People have not been prepared,” he assured.

Much easier succession than that of Cs

Unlike the farce that has caused the replacement of the leader of Cs, Luz Guilarte, the transfer of the act of councilman of Josep Bou is predicted much easier. The next on the electoral list is Inma Delgado, who was number 3 on the electoral ballot. Spokespersons for the municipal group point out to EL PERIÓDICO that Delgado currently works as an advisor to the popular municipal group. Thus, she is a person from the party and who knows the institution, which would provide a discreet and calm change to reach the elections without new controversies. Deciding the head of the PP list is now in the hands of the party’s president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The announcement could be delayed until January according to the sources consulted by this newspaper.
