A Russia Today manager loses his job after asking to “drown Ukrainian children”

“Anyone who says that moskals –a derogatory term towards the Russians– occupied Ukraine should drown them in the river Tysyna.” These were the words that cost Anton Krasovsky its job director of broadcasting RTstate-owned Russia Today, when talking last Thursday about ukrainian children who believe that Soviet Russia occupied the Ukraine. In the same intervention, in which he repeatedly used the derogatory word for the Ukrainians”lol“, assured that “Ukrainian grandmothers would spend their money to be able to be raped by russian soldiers” and that “Ukraine should not exist“. His interlocutor, the writer Sergei Lukyanenko, previously spoke of his childhood experience, when he traveled to Ukraine and met other minors who told him that the Ukrainians suffered because of the Russians, which triggered the Krasovsky explosion.

The reactions to his words have brought consequences, and the first of them has been his dismissal of the RT chain. The director of the chain, Margarita Simonian, stated that “it is hard to think that Krasovsky sincerely believed in drowning children”. “He can’t share something like that,” he added.

“I’m really embarrassed that I somehow didn’t see this limit,” he apologized seeing the significance of his words. In addition to having lost his job, the Main Investigative Committee of the Russian Investigative Committee for Moscow has been instructed to investigate the statements. Novossibirsk State Duma deputy Dmitry Savelyev (United Russia, party of Vladimir Putin) assured that “he must be arrested immediately and sentenced as soon as possible under the maximum severity of the law”.

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Before the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict there had already been, both in the same chain RT as in other Russian stations, controversial statements. The same Simonian this year assured the Russians should “be building our future with culture, with heating and without Ukraine“. On another occasion, he spoke against the freedom of the press assuring that “the only two periods in which there has been no censorship“Russia ended up plunged into periods of chaos.

Another familiar face of the Russian small screen, Dmitri KiselyovHe said on the air: “One more (nuclear) shot, Boris, and there will be no UK”. He previously spoke in favor of the use of this type of weaponry, saying: “Why do we want a world without Russia?” . Tigrán Keosián, husband of Simonián, and presenter of the private channel NTV, also poured threats to Kazakhstan. He stated that “after the Ukrainians, the Kazakhs will go”, a statement that earned him a veto from entering the Central Asian country. All of them conserve their jobs in large media, in media with a large audience and known to all Russian citizens.
