Stone Island unveils new store concept

To celebrate their 40th anniversary, Italian outerwear label Stone Island has developed a new retail concept in collaboration with OMA/AMO. The concept was introduced with a new store in Chicago.

The new store concept is intended to fundamentally change the identity of the branches and in future not only invite people to shop, but rather act as a hub for the “communities of the brand”, explains Stone Island. The store should be a place that goes beyond pure retail and conveys the experiences of the brand. The focus should be on their own research and experimentation with design and product manipulation, while at the same time complementing the online presence of the brand.

Samir Bantal, director of research and design studio AMO, said in a statement: “Research and innovation are at the heart of Stone Island. The space, materials and concept of the stores reinforce the brand’s ethos and reinforce the sense of belonging to its community of like-minded people.”

Stone Island and OMA/AMO. Photo: Marco Cappelletti

Inspired by Stone Island’s approach to transforming materials “from the ordinary to the unique”, the 1,900 square meter retail space presents altar-like spaces that underscore the brand’s commitment to technology and development. In this context, niches for archive pieces and prototypes were created to showcase past ideas and future ambitions in product design.

A new identity for Stone Island retail stores

The stone look of the surfaces has been achieved with specially treated materials, without the use of concrete or stone. Shredded paper and resins have been pressed under high pressure into durable panels that mimic concrete, while sandblasted cork and sandcoated corrugated iron are used throughout the design. To complete the project, a large digital chandelier was installed on the ceiling, relaying Stone Island’s messages to the community.

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Stone Island and OMA/AMO. Photo: Marco Cappelletti

Stone Island also stated that the new concept, which launched in Chicago on October 20, will also be established for future openings in Seoul, Munich and Stockholm. Outside of shop opening hours, public lectures, workshops and private events will also take place there.

Carlo Rivetti, Creative Director and President of Stone Island, said: “Stone Island and AMO share the values ​​of innovation, functionality and passion. I am very excited about this important partnership, a new visual approach for our stores that speaks to our communities.”

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Image: Stone Island and OMA / AMO by Marco Cappelletti
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Stone Island and OMA/AMO. Photo: Marco Cappelletti
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Stone Island and OMA/AMO. Photo: Marco Cappelletti
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Stone Island and OMA/AMO. Photo: Marco Cappelletti
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Stone Island and OMA/AMO. Photo: Marco Cappelletti

This translated and edited post previously appeared on
