sell, payments, shipping iO Donna luxury brands to fast fashion chains, fashion is becoming more and more circular. The Resale Report 2022 confirms that the second-hand market is destined to grow by 127% by 2026, confirming global interest. This is also thanks to platforms such as Vinted which, with over 34 million of users, simplifies buying and selling of garments and objects, favoring vintage fashion. Easy to use, intuitive and even fun. From decluttering to cash out, here is the ultimate guide to selling, buying and earning through Vinted. For a more functional wardroberesearched and selected.

3 things to do before downloading the app

Part of Vinted’s success comes from the ease with which it is possible to sell and buy used (and unused) garments. The interface is intuitive and the experience enthralling, but before downloading the application to your smartphone it is good to carry out these 3 steps. The first: inquire about on how the platform works, by reading the terms of use. The second one: arm yourself with willpower. At least initially, some patience and time will be required to devote to setting up your profile and uploading articles. The third: open the closet and proceed with a serious one decluttering. By selecting everything you no longer use, discarding the wrong size garments or that no longer belong to your style, you get ready to then sell everything online.

Vinted: how does it work for those who sell?

Proceeding by order, once registered, you move on to loading articles on what is, to all intents and purposes, one’s own “virtule cabinet”. The card of a garment for sale on Vinted requires that they be inserted photo (up to 20), showing the state and wear, a title it’s a Descriptionthe choice of one category (eg dresses, skirts, blazers …), the brandthe conditions it’s a price. A very simplified interface thus allows you to catalog your article in a few minutes. Once uploaded it will be visible to all users, who can add it to their favorites, saving it in their personal wishlist. And to bidkicking off one real bargaining which, in the best of cases, ends with a sale.

Shipping, payment and reviews

Once the celebrations for the sale are over, which in addition to a single item can also be a set of items, we move on to shipment. Here, the revelation. Unlike other apps, Vinted expects the costs to be borne by the buyer and that the seller only has to download the label, provided on the app and via e-mail, stick it on the package and ship using the method chosen by the buyer. That it is in apost office, a newsstanda tobacconist or a locker around the city, to complete the sale just deliver the package to one of the points indicated. Et voilà, an unused item of your wardrobe, in the space of a few days, will be someone else’s must-have of the season.


When the buyer has collected the package and confirmed the good condition of the items received, the platform will transfer the balance to its virtual wallet. Giving the user the opportunity to choose whether to spend it internally in the app, to make other purchases, or to transfer it to their current account by Bank transfer. But don’t forget to leave one first review to the buyer, so as to also receive one on their profile. Which, by demonstrating the seller’s reliability, will entice other users to buy.

Buy scond hand fashion at Vinted

Not just for selling, Vinted is useful also to buy. Leather trench coat? Top with a Y2K aesthetic? Luxury bags? Everything that is trendy now on the catwalks can be found, vintage, on the platform. The possibility of to bargain allows you to buy at really advantageous prices. In addition, the application provides a sales insurance, which protects the buyer in case of scams or inconvenience. The package arrives directly at a collection point near home, simplifying the shipping dynamics.

Following the rule of “One in, one out”, discarded garments are replaced with new needs, promoting circular and sustainable fashion. Which sees in the past new opportunities for the future of fashion.

