This is how you maintain healthier lifestyle adjustments | Feeling good in your skin challenge

Easy, fixed habits

“Everyone recognizes them, fixed habits. After a busy working day, you often settle on the couch every evening with a cup of tea and a biscuit and zap through the television channels or Netflix, looking for a nice series. Or you go to bed just a little too late so that you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock three times the next morning. These are all easy habits that you do on autopilot and don’t have to think about.

What can make changing a habit difficult? There are two things that can make changing a habit difficult, especially if you want to change your behavior for health reasons:

  1. You value your old habits too much. This is especially the case with things you should avoid, such as smoking, drinking or eating unhealthy foods.
  2. You think it is too difficult for you and this makes the change difficult. This is especially true for things that you feel you are not doing enough, such as exercising and meditating.

Get off that couch!

Changing habits can be difficult, but know that you can do it too. Instead of sitting on the couch, you can also choose to take a walk or put on your sneakers and take a bootcamp class in the fresh air. You know that this is better for you and for your energy level and that you will soon feel very good and happy!

Know what you’re doing it for

Do you want to change your habitual behavior? Then know what you’re doing it for. Why do you want to improve your lifestyle and what do you want to use the regained energy for? Step two is to ask yourself: how do I make it easier for myself? How does the chance of success increase?

think small

It makes no sense to set unrealistic goals. Think, for example, of your salt and sugar consumption. Do you want to reduce that? Good idea! Write on the jar with a marker: Are you sure? And every time you want to use it, that text makes you think about whether you really need it. Your taste quickly gets used to less salt and sweetness. With a week or two you won’t know any better and you will see that you don’t miss it anymore!

nothing must

You don’t have to do anything except choose what suits you. You often hear me say that in the doctor’s office. Tackling all parts of a healthy lifestyle at once is not an easy task for anyone. Pick one thing that appeals to you and get to work on it. Do you have it under control and is it easy for you? Then choose the next (minor) adjustment.”


Our Tasty in your skin challenge will also be free in 2022 and available to everyone. Do you want to join us? Then go to the Nice in your skin page of VROUW or search Facebook for WOMAN Comfortable in your own skin challenge 2022. You can sign up for the private Facebook group there. And after signing up for the WOMAN Newsletter (check WOMAN Daily and WOMAN Weekly) you won’t miss anything anymore.

Have you prepared one of our recipes? Then we would love it if you could send the photos of your creations via the Nice in your skin challenge Facebook group shares! We also like it if you tag us on Instagram with and #LekkerInJeVel2022.


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