Possible cause found for mysterious Havana syndrome | Abroad

This so-called “pulsed electromagnetic energy” could be emitted by mobile devices, the panel of technology and medical experts says.

Investigate CIA

That conclusion is quite different from that of the CIA, which last month stated that no evidence had been found that foreign powers were responsible for the mysterious syndrome. The US Secret Service did admit that of the approximately 1,000 health incidents investigated by US diplomats, about 20 remained unexplained.

In 2016, embassy staff first became ill with Havana syndrome. It concerned American embassy employees in Havana, the capital of Cuba. Since then, complaints such as nausea, dizziness, migraines, memory loss and impaired hearing have been observed in more countries.


The panel of scientists, appointed last year by US intelligence chief Avril Haines and CIA chief William Burns, called the symptoms “diverse and possibly the result of multiple mechanisms.” According to the scientists, some of the health incidents “cannot be easily explained by environmental factors or medical conditions.”

Burns wrote in a statement that the panel was not looking for a possible culprit, but was supposed to help find the origin of the mysterious ailments. US intelligence continues to investigate the syndrome.

Russia suspicious

One of the previously heard theories is that Russia is behind the complaints by carrying out attacks with microwaves. No evidence was ever found. Another theory is that people became ill after hearing about the symptoms and thinking it was happening to them.


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