Minister De Jonge gives installation industry until April 1, 2023 to obtain CO certificate | News item

News item | 21-10-2022 | 16:22

Minister De Jonge has decided to give installation companies until 1 April 2023 to obtain the legal CO certificate. Without this certificate, companies will no longer be allowed to maintain, repair or install gas combustion installations, such as central heating boilers, geysers and gas fireplaces, from 1 April 2023. This is stipulated in the statutory CO system, which is aimed at preventing incidents involving carbon monoxide.

More space to certify properly

Due to a delay in the process, there are currently no legally certified installation companies registered. Sticking to the original effective date of January 1, 2023 would mean that there are too few certified installation companies to meet the demand from consumers and other clients for, for example, maintenance and repair of gas combustion installations.

“An undesirable situation, especially in the middle of the winter period,” said Hugo de Jonge, Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning in his letter to the House. “Consumers and other clients must be able to rely on the fact that there are enough companies to carry out necessary work on their gas combustion installation.”

Minister calls on: “Request a company certificate soon.”

Preparing for certification takes time. Companies must put their quality system in order and at least one of their technicians must have the required professional competence in the field of carbon monoxide. Only then can a company apply for a certificate. A certifying body needs 5-6 weeks of process time to certify an average installation company. De Jonge: “I therefore call on companies to make the necessary preparations and to apply for certification as soon as possible.”

From April 1, 2023, CO certificate is mandatory

By moving the effective date to April 1, 2023, companies will have enough time to get certified. The minister emphasizes that this effective date will not be reconsidered again. Companies that have not been certified from 1 April 2023 may no longer work on gas combustion plants as long as they do not have a certificate.

Public information

From 1 April 2023, consumers may also only engage a certified company for the installation, maintenance and repair of their gas combustion installation. With public information, consumers will be informed about the system and the logo by which they can recognize a certified company. Reference will also be made to the register of the admission organization ( installations) in which consumers can check which installation companies are certified.
