Purple like the sea, previews of the fourth episode

ORdeadly, mysteries to be solved and romantic weekends on the horizon. There fourth episode of Purple like the seabroadcast tonight at about 21.50 on Channel 5continues the story of the adventures of its protagonists, Viola Vitale and Francesco Demir. And finally the relationship between the journalist and the police inspector seems to have reached a turning point.

Purple like the seathe plot of the fourth episode

The relationship between Viola (Francesca Chillemi) and Raniero (Romano Reggiani) continues at full speed. The initial doubts, due to the age difference, have been supplanted by courteous and kind manners of the boy. Although she still has feelings for Francesco, she is determined to move on with her life. The two continue to share the terrace of their respective apartments and meetings in déshabillé are quite frequent.

Right on the terrace, in front of the Norman Cathedral of Palermo and Demir, as always, bare-chested, he confesses his plans for the weekend. She will go to Pantelleria with her boyfriend. However, fate does not seem to be on his side, perhaps the fault of excessive enthusiasm.

“Nothing will stop me from going there,” she says, but she still doesn’t know that she will be forced to collide with various unexpected events. First of all, a persistent cold and the strike of the means. While he is looking for a solution to reach the island, then, comes a new case to work on. This is themurder of the restaurateur Luisa Palazzo.

Can Yaman, Francesca Chillemi and Chiara Tron. (Boom PR)

Francesco looks for Farah

To make matters worse, in the editorial office there is an unusual atmosphere. The curious nature leads the journalist to discover what lies behind the strange attitude of Claudia Foresi (Simona Cavallari). She is convinced that the director is hiding something. She talks about it with her colleagues, but it is not easy to understand what is happening.

Also Demir continues his own investigation, but on the traffickers. This time it does without the help of Farah (Kyshan Wilson), the girl he hosted at home for a few days. “That girl has already fooled you once,” the assistant reminds him Turi D’Agata (Giovanni Nasta), suggesting to let it go. It is not easy to decide which choice to make, especially when Farah asks him to meet in secret. And when he finds out that she ran away from the reception centertakes action to look for it, in the hope of finding it safe and sound.

The troubles don’t end there, because Viola becomes involved in a car accident. Rescued and transported to the hospital, both Francesco and Raniero await the outcome of the checks. When the doctor asks which of the two is there for her, Sammartano introduces himself as her boyfriend, but Demir does not remain impassive. “She Lives with me,” she adds.

Viola’s secret revealed: she is sick

Does the fear of losing her begin to overcome the fear of a serious relationship? That there is a feeling between the two is undeniable. Viola does nothing more to hide her interest, but she is equally firm on her principles: doesn’t want a one-night stand, but true love. Nothing more difficult for the inspector who has learned to keep emotions at a distance.

However, their understanding is growing day by day. It is not an aseptic relationship between neighbors and work colleagues, but something more. Raniero’s arrival first and the accident now they start to move something e Francesco begins to look at her with different eyes. Enough to put aside your fears? In addition to affairs of the heart and demanding work, Viola has other things to think about.

It is his health. There neurodegenerative disease from which it is affected continues to progress and the accident was caused by a new motor block. Raniero, however, knows nothing of his real conditions and must decide whether to tell him or not. Meanwhile, he receives one unexpected phone call. A male voice is heard from the other end of the handset. “Viola”. The answer is immediate, even if full of expectations: “Is it you, Dad?”.

“Viola like the sea”, Romano Reggiani and Francesca Chillemi in the role of Raniero Sammartano and Viola Vitale. (Courtesy press office Boom PR)

Purple like the seaconfirmed the second season

The Canale 5 series with Francesca Chillemi and Can Yaman opened the season of the Mediaset television series. There are still two episodes to go to the grand finale, but Lux Vide, the production company, has confirmed one second season. Therefore the adventures of Viola Vitale and Francesco Demir will not end soon.

Excellent news, despite not particularly brilliant ratings. TO Tv Smiles and Songs producer Luca Bernabei also stated the writers are already working on the drafting of the new episodes. Regarding the exit dateit is still early to make predictions, but it is plausible that Purple like the sea 2 will air in the 2023-2024 television season.

