Recordhoeveelheid coca teeled in Colombia in 2021 | Buitenland

In Colombia, in 2021, a coca record will be announced. This follows from the annual report from the Bureau for Drugs in the Criminal Court of the United Nations (UNODC). The plan can cocaine be made, because het Zuid-Amerikaanse country is the largest producer there were.

The coca area went from 143,000 hectares in 2020 to 207,000 hectares last year, an increase of 43 percent. Het gaat om het hoogste cijfers sinds de VN de statistieken bijhouden. Daarmee started ze in 2001.

In the departments of Narino and Putumayo, in the south-west of Colombia, in the northern region of Catatumbo, most of the coca was sold.

Also exported from cocaine from Colombia to Europe toe, from 1,010 tons to 1,400 tons. The hoeveelheid zit volgens UNODC are 2014 aanhoudend in stijgende lijn.
