Partial eclipse of the Sun and shooting stars in the October sky

G.lovers of astronomy and stars will find a way to satisfy their interest also in October. Tuesday 25in fact, it will also be possible to see from Italy this time, the partial eclipse of the Sun..

On October 25, the partial solar eclipse

Between 11 and 15, it depends on the place from which it is observed, the Moon will pass in front of our star partially obscuring it and thus giving life to the eclipse. But since, the Moon and the Sun will not be perfectly aligned, the satellite will not completely cover the sun and, when this is “bitten” by the shadow of the moon, it will take on a crescent shape.

That’s when it will be visible in Italy

The show can also be admired in Italy, as it was said. The event will take place between 11 and 15, depending on where you are. In Rome, for example, it will start at 11:25 and finish at 13:19.

Tuesday 25, in fact, it will be possible to see, also from Italy this time, the partial eclipse of the Sun (Pixabay)

To the Northern Italy will start at 11:19 and will end at 13:16, while in the extreme south of the Peninsula it will start at 11:36 and end at 13:27. It can also be admired in Africa, Asia, Europe and Guernsey in the UK. And at its most visible it will be in the regions of North Pole and Russia.

Shooting stars, the Orionids arrive

But be careful because it’s not over. Between Saturday 22 and Sunday 23October will bring a shower of shooting stars. Not as impressive as that of the night of San Lorenzobut among the most important among those observable in this period. The long-awaited will also arrive Orionids, the meteor shower typical of this time of year.

