Retail delivery problems are receding

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Image: Samuel Wölfl Pexels

Delivery problems in retail decreased noticeably in January, but remain at a very high level in some areas. In the monthly company survey by the Munich Ifo Institute, only 57 percent of retailers reported that not all goods ordered were delivered on time. In December it was 81.6 percent. "After the end of the Christmas business, there is a little less pressure on the cauldron"said Ifo survey manager Klaus Wohlrabe.

The situation has eased, especially in supermarkets: Here, only 18.4 percent of companies complain about delivery problems, after 64.4 percent in December. On the other hand, more than 80 percent of companies are still struggling with bottlenecks in hardware stores, car dealerships and electrical household appliances. (dpa)


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