Breast cancer and nutrition: what relationship – iO Woman

OROctober is the month dedicated to breast cancer prevention. An important occasion to reiterate the importance of periodic checks but also to make a “review” of what are the good habits to follow in everyday life. Also to table.

In fact, in recent years scientific research, in addition to developing increasingly targeted pharmacological therapies, has concentrated studies on a fundamental aspect of breast cancer prevention: the power supply.

If on the one hand they exist relations now certain among some risk factors such as alcohol consumption and obesity and breast cancer on the other hand studies have shown how different foods may be effective instead with a view to prevention.

So what are these foods? And what rules should you know to focus on a menu that reduces risks without sacrificing taste? We asked the doctor Maria Bravo, nutritionist biologist of Humanitas San Pio X.

Breast cancer and nutrition: the importance of a balanced diet

“One aspect, supported by scientific research but often underestimated – explains Dr. Bravo – is that of the importance of following ahealthy and balanced diet also in terms of macro and micro nutrients. It is therefore not just about foods that are to be privileged over others that are to be reduced, but it is about focusing on good eating habits capable of improving the state of health and preventing various diseases, including breast cancer “.

Foods with a red label

That said, the first rule of prevention is know which foods it is best to limit consumption.

“Certainly the red and processed meatsthe sausages and in general fatty meats because they are rich in saturated fatty acids they generate inflammation at a systemic level – explains the nutritionist biologist – And it is precisely inflammation that is the basis of many pathologies, including breast cancer ».

For the same reason, also the packaged snacks such as classic chips, snacks and salty snacks that contain trans fats responsible for inflammation.

Carbonated drinks, sweets and fruit juices, on the other hand, should be limited for another reason: “With a diet rich in simple sugars – explains Dr. Bravo – you can experience glycemic alterations which consequently they can cause insulin changeswhich can predispose to insulin resistance, increased visceral fat and increased inflammation ».

Breast cancer and nutrition: the role of whole grains

If in general the advice is to follow a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, containing mineral salts and vitamins, there are foods that seem to be particularly beneficial in terms of prevention. Among these i legumesi Red fruits (rich in antioxidants) but also i cereals even better if whole.

The reason?

«Whole grains they are slow intestinal absorption since they contain a lot of fiber – explains the nutritionist – this means that the glycaemia does not undergo important alterations but remain constant over time. In addition, by containing a lot of fiber, whole grains contribute to a greater sense of satiety and to one better intestinal function thus reducing the contact of possible polluting substances in the intestine ».

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Phytoestrogens and breast cancer

Much debated by scientific research is instead the role played by phytoestrogensor compounds of vegetable origin that have a chemical structure and some functions similar to those of estrogen produced by the human body. Which is why they could be a risk factor for breast cancer. In recent years, several studies have examined effects of phytoestrogens on cancer risk however demonstrating an association between consumption of foods rich in phytoestrogens and a decrease in risk of breast cancer.

Among the foods richest in phytoestrogens, in particular, there is soy which in fact contains up to 100 different types.

“If until now it was thought that it was not recommended to take soy, recently it seems to open a window in a positive sense – confirms Dr. Bravo. – There are still not enough studies but to date the premises are encouraging: even soy seems to somehow be able to have a protective effect against breast cancer “.

Prevention: because it is good to keep weight under control

Taking care of nutrition is also of fundamental importance to keep under control one of the main risk factors for breast cancer, namely the overweight.

«Maintaining a condition of normal weight (BMI below 25) is fundamental – emphasizes the nutritionist – especially considering that women, approaching menopause, due to the drop in estrogen, are more predisposed to problems such as weight gain ».

What about alcohol? It is now proven that alcohol abuse represents a another important risk factor for the development of any form of cancer. Is it better then to ban it from the table?

“Alcohol is certainly associated with the risk of increased inflammation and therefore is considered a risk factor – replies Dr. Bravo – However, if a woman is limited to a glass of wine a day there are no health risks, in the absence of comorbidities ».

Breast cancer and nutrition: the ideal menu

So what could be the ideal menu with a view to prevention?

“You can start the day with one Breakfast based on low-fat plain yogurt or a glass of kefir which is a fermented milk very useful for intestinal problems. – suggests the nutritionist – to these you can add one handful of whole grainsi, such as oat or bran flakes, and a handful of Red fruitsantioxidants useful in the prevention of breast cancer “

THE main meals they should also provide for the right amount of vegetables, cereals and proteins.

«At lunch you can bet on a dish of whole grains and legumessuch as brown rice and soy to be combined with a portion of both cooked and raw vegetables – continues the expert – while at dinner, from a prevention perspective, it may be useful to provide a portion of whole grains such as a slice of rye bread or kamut, to combine with the inevitable portion of vegetables and a slice of blue fish. Also consume raw vegetables it is important because they are foods rich in mineral salts and therefore help to maintain well hydrated cellswith a protective effect ».

The right dressing? “Certainly theextra virgin olive oil – concludes the expert – While as snacks during the day go ahead a dried fruit (maximum 30 g per day), such as unsalted almonds and walnuts, or a portion of fruit“.

In the gallery above 9 foods to focus on to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

