Now the viewers should control the RBB

The illuminated logo of the broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) is attached to the facade of the broadcaster's headquarters on Masurenallee

The illuminated logo of the broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By Michael Sauerbier

How can the reeling RBB regain trust? The viewers should control the scandal station, suggest Brandenburg’s free voters, even choose the director. Because the broadcasting and administrative boards have failed.

Half of the RBB boardroom on leave or fired, destroying the broadcaster’s reputation. After the scandal surrounding swank and nepotism, media politicians in Berlin and Brandenburg will discuss the new state broadcasting treaty on Monday. It is intended to expand the control rights of the supervisory boards. But the reform is not enough for the free voters.

Group leader Peter Vida (38) calls for a public council. Vida: “As a link between the contributors and the broadcaster, offering a say in program development and creating trust in public broadcasting.”

With 30 listeners and viewers, it should be as big as the Broadcasting Council – and elect the director with it. Vida: “15 audience councils are to be selected by random generator, the other half by the TV viewers in the TED process.”

The station management should have to report to the audience council: about business plans, program complaints and large investments. Lawyer Vida: “Viewers should have full rights to examine and inspect files.”

For the first time a public broadcaster would be controlled by the contributors!

Brandenburg’s SPD and the left support the demand. SPD faction leader Daniel Keller (36): “The RBB needs a fundamental reform involving the audience.” The audience council would be a contribution to strengthening the credibility of the RBB.”


Left rbb SPD
