Kasimpasa Adana Demirspor: 1-4 | MATCH RESULT SUMMARY – Last minute Adana Demirspor news

In the 10th week of the Super League, Kasımpaşa and Adana Demirspor shared their trump card. Adana Demirspor won the match with a score of 4-1 and became the party that scored 3 points.

Adana Demirspor’s winning goals came from Younes Belhanda in 37, Akintola in 41, Onyekuru in 63 and N’Diaye in 86.

Bahoken scored Kasimpasa’s only goal at 56.

With this result, Adana Demirspor made 21 points.

On the other hand, Kasımpaşa had 13 points.

In the 15th minute, when Hajradinovic’s pass, he faced the goalkeeper in the left diagonal of the penalty area, Ertaç prevented the leather ball from going into the net with Celina’s shot. This time, Bahoken hit the ball that fell behind the penalty mark, and the leather round came back from Svensson on the defensive.

In the 34th minute, Stambouli sent a ball to the penalty area and Samet Akaydın knocked the leather ball down with his head. The round leather round shot by Emre Akbaba, who was in a suitable condition in the castle area, came out from the side.

In the 37th minute, the visiting team took the lead. Kasimpasa’s defense could not remove the danger when Emre Akbaba took a free kick from the right flank, close to the goal line. Belhanda, who hit the ball behind the penalty spot in the middle of Stambouli, who took a leather ball on the left wing, made the nets airborne: 0-1.

Adana representative increased the difference to 2 in the 40th minute. Belhanda, who entered the penalty area after the crown used on the left wing, transferred the leather ball to Akintola. The ball hit the net when this player was behind the penalty spot without waiting: 0-2.

The first half of the match ended with the superiority of Adana Demirspor 2-0.

After the corner, which was used by passing in the 48th minute, Celina made the cross. Sadık Çiftpınar’s head shot just outside the bottom of the altipas and the ball went awry from the crossbar.

In the 54th minute, Bahoken entered the penalty area from the right diagonal with Hajradinovic’s pass and the goalkeeper Ertaç did not allow the goal.

Kasimpasa reduced the lead to 1 in the 56th minute. Ben Ouannes made the middle in the home team attack, which developed from the left wing. Aytaç’s attack on the back post was passed to Bahoken, just behind the six-pass. Bahoken sent the ball into the net with his kick after controlling it with his chest: 1-2.

Adana Demirspor scored another goal in the 64th minute. In the fast developing guest team attack, Belhanda saw Onyekuru, who was moving from the left wing. After Onyekuru entered the penalty area from the left diagonal, he pulled the ball to his right foot and brought the round leather nets with his shot: 1-3.

Adana Demirspor increased the difference to 3 in the 86th minute. Sadık Çiftpınar missed on goalkeeper Ertaç’s long pass. Yusuf Sarı saw N’Diaye coming from behind after entering the penalty area from the left side. The ball hit the net when this player shot from the ground: 1-4.
