Change in funding scheme for reception of Ukrainians | News item

News item | 14-10-2022 | 17:50

In recent months, research has been carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Justice and Security into the costs incurred by municipalities for the reception of refugees from Ukraine. The aim of the study was to identify the costs that municipalities incur for the municipal and private reception of refugees from Ukraine, and how they can best be compensated for this. The conclusions of the study are based on input from approximately 120 municipalities. New standard amounts have been established on the basis of the results of this study.

Because this concerns a realistic compensation, the standard amount that municipalities receive for the costs they incur for the municipal reception of refugees from Ukraine will be adjusted as of 15 October, in accordance with the results of the study, to €83 per realized place per day. This is done to better align this amount with the actual costs they incur. In addition, the option has been created to declare the actual additional costs in exceptional cases.

In accordance with the results of the survey, municipalities receive €210 per month per person who has claimed a municipal allowance, for example a financial allowance, to support private care. Because there was no standard amount for private childcare yet, this will apply with retroactive effect from 1 March 2022. This includes costs for registration in the municipal basic register of persons (BRP), third-party liability insurance and extraordinary costs in private childcare facilities, such as certain travel expenses.

In addition, the scheme will be extended, so that municipalities can also claim compensation from the government after December 31, 2022.
