Massacre investigation in Indonesia: the fault was tear gas

The commission that investigated the tragedy concluded that the deaths of over 130 people were due to the excessive and indiscriminate use of gas by law enforcement

The investigation by the Indonesian government into the incidents at the Kanjuruhan stadium in East Java which caused the deaths of more than 130 people on 1 October ended.

A team of government members and security experts has drawn up a 124-page dossier in which the cause of the massacre is blamed on the use of tear gas by the police.


Security Minister Mahfud said the images captured by the 32 security cameras made it possible to define the responsibilities of the tragedy. The conclusions of the investigation, with the recommendations to prevent similar situations from recurring in the future, were handed over to the Indonesian president. Another, parallel investigation is trying to determine the toxicity of the gases used, but regardless of the results, “the conclusion will remain the same,” Mahfud said. Tear gas is prohibited by FIFA, but the police at the stadium were unaware of the ban, instead using it “indiscriminately and excessively”, the report reads. Investigators also concluded that the local football league is guilty of negligence for ignoring Fifa regulations and has demanded that the president of the Indonesian Football Association resign, along with the entire board of directors.


Police and military are still investigating what happened, with law enforcement agencies attempting to downplay their role in the tragedy, blaming the inadequate escape routes and the presence of spectators beyond the capacity at the stadium. At least six people, including three policemen, are now under investigation for the massacre. The Indonesian league announced in recent days that it has formed a task force with FIFA to improve control and safety measures in the stadiums. Indonesia is expected to host the next U20 World Cup in summer 2023.
