Plan for dried out Hasenheide is in place

The Hasenheide is a popular resort for residents of the densely populated districts of Neukölln and Kreuzberg

Park visitors on one of the dried up meadows in the Hasenheide. A redesign is now intended to make the park climate-resilient Photo: Ufuk Ucta

By Sara Orlos Fernandes

Compacted soil, dried out green areas, diseased trees – the Volkspark Hasenheide is doing badly.

For five million euros, the plant is to be made climate-resistant in just two years. Now it is clear what the conversion entails.

The 49-hectare park will have 650 drought-resistant trees. Jochen Biedermann (43, Greens), City Councilor for Urban Development, announced that the first ones should be set in the ground this year.

In the past few years, around 400 damaged trees had to be felled because they could not withstand the heat and the lack of rainfall.

► The soil, which is compacted due to excessive loads, makes it difficult for nature to absorb water. Sport use is also held responsible for this, among other things. Therefore there should be a new sports area next to the Jahn monument.

The plan shows which rehabilitation measures are required in which part of the park

► In the future, there will also be help for the soil from plants that loosen it. In addition, 6000 tons of mulch and compost should keep the soil moist.

► The planned redesign of the entrance areas, seating and signage will be particularly visible to park visitors. The Hasenschänke beer garden and the associated toilets have also been given a new look. The heath garden is also to be upgraded with raised beds.

To allow the green spaces to recover, individual parking areas will be closed during the conversion. Everything should be ready by the end of 2024.


Currently Hasenheide renovation
