Javier Milei vs. women: four reprehensible crosses

Deputy Javier Milei He has several fights with women to his credit. Although the tension and vehemence are part of the style that made him famous, the irritated tone that his disputes acquire has come to cross the admissible limits. This time it was against Cristina Perezwith whom the libertarian starred in a tense crossover on the program Radio Rivadavia of the journalist.

When asked how he would vote for an eventual project to eliminate the PASO, through which Kirchnerism would seek his vote, Milei stated: “That is false. The project does not exist and I do not discuss it in the abstract.” If the project existed, if they present the project? This answer is important, if you dodge the question it is serious, “retorted Pérez. “I am not going to get into these traps of Together for Change and the operators,” he added, raising his tone of voice. And he became even more unnerved: “You are operating with the format of Together for Change on a project that does not exist”, accusing the journalist.

“Javier, your disqualification towards me speaks about you, not about me. You offended me, “said Pérez. “Well, if you were offended, it’s your problem of how you perceived it,” countered Milei. Given the lack of respect, Pérez concluded the communication.

It is not the first time that Milei has had an altercation with a female journalist. In April, the deputy left the program of Maria Laura Santillan in LN+after refusing to share air with Carolina Losadasenator from Together for Change, alleging that the production had scheduled a “hand in hand” between Santillán and him. It happens that Losada had taken his place on the floor while Milei was interviewed a few meters away.

“Aren’t you at the table, Javier, because you preferred to be here alone?” asked Santillán. “Because I was told it was heads up. I have different definitions of heads up,” Milei began. Santillán tried several times to include Losada in the conversation he was having with the economist, but Milei was confused, insisting that he had not scheduled an interview together.

“It bothers me when they fail to tell the truth, when they don’t meet the conditions they agree on. And I understand that a heads up is a heads up. So that’s lying. In fact, I take it pretty well to be cheated and lied to,” Milei said.

“No, there is no deception. Don’t get angry with the production either. It is an honor for us to have you,” Santillán replied. “It does not seem. The guests are not lied to, they are not betrayed and the conditions are not changed once he is seated,” attacked the deputy, who announced the end of his intervention in the broadcast of the program.

“I can have an excellent bond with Carolina. I agreed more than a week ago with your people, that you even asked me to come and now I find that they lie to me and deceive me,” added Milei, who later he withdrew from the program.

A year earlier, in 2019, Milei had made the panelist cry Sun Perez in the program Net TV“Las Rubias”, hosted by Marcela Tinayre. At that moment, Milei began talking about the “heading towards Venezuela” proposed by Kirchnerism, when he was interrupted by Pérez. “Why go to extremes and not look for a country that gives opportunities to those who have the least? The only thing we are going to do is make people poorer and poorer,” the young woman said.

The discussion continued to escalate, and the panelist intervened again: “For him, all governments are going to be a disaster because there is a State. When there is no State, we will be very well,” she said. At that time, the deputy attacked Pérez, telling her that she “didn’t even know what he was talking about.” Immediately, the driver countered: “Do you have that way of arguing with other people, of denigrating and degrading them? If you are so intelligent, you can listen to the other.”

The discussion continued until Sol Pérez left the studio. Later, she wrote on her Twitter: “More than economics you have to see if someone teaches you to respect women, disgusting @JMilei”. Milei had already had an altercation with Pérez ten days ago in the same program, which she had ended screaming.

An older case still corresponds to 2018, when the economist participated in a press conference at the Law School from the town of Metan, in Salta, invited by former deputy Alfredo Olmedo.

In this event, the journalist Teresa Friassent by the local media “InfoSalta”, asked him a question about Keynesianism, an economic current of which Milei is a staunch detractor. Frías’ question had been why Keynesianism worked in USA but not in Argentina.

After reprimanding her for not knowing the publication date of the “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”the main book of John Maynard Keynes where he explains his economic theory, Milei began to raise his voice and get excited.

“You’d better study it if you want to ask questions about Keynesianism,” Milei burst out, adding, “You’re talking nonsense and I’m trying to throw you off.”

Later, when Frías treated him as authoritarian, Milei lashed out: “What you said is nonsense. You talked about something you don’t know. You are the totalitarian because you think about things you don’t know a damn about.”

by RN

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