Mallorca suspect Martijn T. ‘certainly for the time being’ still detained, only interrogated later

Mallorca suspect Martijn T., who was arrested this morning for perjury, will certainly remain in custody for the time being. Justice confirms this to NH Nieuws. The young Hilversummer has yet to be questioned about his lies under oath.


Martijn T. was arrested because he allegedly lied under oath about what happened after the assaults. The young Hilversummer stated to the examining magistrate that once he returned to the holiday villa, he drank a glass of water and went to bed. He would not have talked to his friends about the beatings.

T. gave the same statement to the court this morning, to the surprise of the judiciary and the court. The court speaks of a lie, because there is a video showing the Hilversummer. It is a video in which one of the other friends proudly shows his damaged knuckles and says that he fought, Martijn T. is also in the picture and is sitting on a table.

Arrested for questioning

Martijn T. was arrested by two officers after the statement and taken to the cell block of the court.

T. has yet to be questioned about the matter and must certainly remain in jail until then.

A spokesperson for the judiciary says that the arrest of T will only be looked into further after the interrogations. A report will be drawn up and only then will it be determined whether the Hilversummer will be held for longer or will be released again.

In any case, next Tuesday, Martijn T. will be in court again in the trial about the violence in Mallorca.
