Now you should clear old hedges and plant new ones

Fall is a good time to plant a new hedge

Fall is a good time to plant a new hedge Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn

From BZ/dpa

Do you want to renew your old hedge? October is a good time to do this – for two reasons.

From October 1st, hedges in the gardens may again be severely trimmed or removed entirely. The Federal Nature Conservation Act provides for this regulation.

Between March and September, a ban on this work is intended to protect breeding birds and other animals in the hedges, but also in bushes, reeds and reeds in the open countryside. Only shape cuts are then allowed – so you can only remove the growth again.

Larger cutting work and clearing, as well as the replacement of existing hedges, are only possible again in autumn.

But there is another reason why it is worth replacing the old hedge from October: It is a good time for planting trees and shrubs. The Federal Gardening and Landscaping Association (BGL) points this out.

Especially the cheaper bare-root trees are almost only available now and should be planted in the garden until the beginning of spring.

Bare-rooted trees and shrubs are referred to whose roots are not in the container with soil. Trees with a pot can also be planted well from March.


Fall Plants Guide: Garden and Animals
