October 12 | Curiosities about October 12

10/05/2022 at 10:00


These are some of the facts that you did not know about this celebration

October 12 is known as “National Holiday of Spain” and, according to a law passed in 1987, it is declared a national holiday. This day commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America, which meant a historical milestone which marked the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age.

Next, we will tell you some of the curiosities that you did not know about this day.

It’s not called “Hispanic Day”

We are used to referring to this holiday as the “Día de la Hispanidad”, but this is not its official name. Through Law 18/1987, this date was ratified as a national holiday and it was called “National Holiday of Spain”dispensing with the “Hispanic” part.

Even so, in 1981, in a previous Royal Decree, in which the rules for the celebration of this day are established, both denominations appear.

has other names

This day is also known as “Dia de la Raza”, but this denomination was changed, especially in Latin American countrieswith the objective of “leave behind the commemoration of the conquest of America to give way to the analysis and assessment of the immense variety of cultures that have contributed and continue to contribute to the construction of our identity”, explains the Government of Argentina on its official website.

In the case of Argentina, as of 2010, this day was renamed “Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity”. This is not the only Latin American country that has come to name this day in another way. In Nicaragua and Venezuela is he “Indigenous resistance Day”while in Chile it is known as “Day of the Discovery of the two Worlds”. Another example is the case of The Bahamas and Colombia, known as “Discovery Day”.

It is also a national holiday in the United States.

Across the Atlantic, in the United States, October 12 is also considered a national holiday. In this case, it is known as “Columbus Day” and is celebrated every year on the second Monday of October.

This celebration continues to give rise to controversies about the transformations that arose after this historical milestone, among which we find the acts committed against indigenous peoples. Still, the vast majority of Americans celebrate this day with family.

Columbus thought it was Asia

This day is in commemoration of the arrival of Christopher Columbus to America, specifically, he landed in the Bahamas, where Spanish is not currently spoken because it became an English colony in 1784. However, Columbus was thought to have reached Asia.

This is because he believed that the Earth was spherical, so the initial goal of his journey was to sail to Asia to the East. What he did not know was that there could be areas that were not discovered in the middle of his journey. On August 3, 1492, he set out with three ships from Huelva: the girl, the pint Y Santa Mariaand, after two months at sea, he reached an island he called San Salvador, which today is part of the Bahamas.

Why is there a military parade?

During this day, in Spain the traditional parade of the Armed Forces takes place. However, these already have their own day. The reason why this act is carried out is a Royal Decree that was approved in 1997, through which the acts to be celebrated during this holiday were regulated. This text specifies that “A solemn tribute of respect and exaltation to the Flag of Spain will be carried out”.

In addition, article one of this Royal Decree explains that during the National Holiday of Spain “military personnel will dress up and, within the Ministry of Defense, the general decoration of the buildings and ships will be carried out, in which will wave the national flag.

In Zaragoza it is the Day of the Pillar

This day coincides with the Pilar Day, which She is considered the patron saint of Spain. Y from Saragossa. For this reason, the streets of the city are filled with thousands of believers who want to visit the Basilica of the Virgin of the Pillar and enjoy its parties and activities.

In other countries it is a day of protest

In some countries, especially in Latin America, they use this date to claim the reinterpretation of history and have as main objective to defend the importance of their indigenous roots. This is the main reason why in many of these countries the name with which it is called Identity Day or Indigenous Resistance Day.
