Dear energy, collective self-consumption to save

LAnd bills scare families and businesses. The figures are increasing more and more and are becoming unsustainable, so much so that several companies have already started to close.

Dear energy, bills are scary

The situation for the winter does not seem so rosy, as far as the Minister of Ecological TransitionRoberto Cingolani, say that Italy need not worry.

At least as regards payments for gas and energy. And therefore there are those who work their best and those who seek alternative solutions to be able to see those ever higher numbers go down every month.

Collective self-consumption: what is it?

It is in this context that we began to talk about collective self-consumption, an alternative way of producing energy which has intrigued and interested several people.

It is about produce renewable energy together with other people, and then consume it for your own needs. This therefore means that this new modality can involve subjects who share the same building, an entire condominium or even companies.

And that, as the EU directive 2018/2001“They intend to produce renewable electricity for their own consumption and to accumulate or sell self-produced electricity on the grid, provided that these activities do not constitute the main commercial or professional activity”.

This new configuration allows multiple parties located in the same building to produce renewable electricity for their own consumption

Collective self-consumption: what is it?

It is in this context that we began to talk about collective self-consumption, an alternative way of producing energy which has intrigued and interested several people.

It is about produce renewable energy together with other people, and then consume it for your own needs. This therefore means that this new modality can involve subjects who share the same building, an entire condominium or even companies.

And that, as the EU directive 2018/2001“They intend to produce renewable electricity for their own consumption and to accumulate or sell self-produced electricity on the grid, provided that these activities do not constitute the main commercial or professional activity”.

How collective self-consumption works

First of all, it is important to say that this new approach to energy is liked because the advantages it brings are differentboth from the point of view energy and environmental, both from the economic one.

In fact, for the formation of collective self-consumption groups the Mise of 15 September 2020 provided for concessions and incentives. Like for example a “Bonus” of 100 euros every megawatt hour, which is recognized for twenty years, and is managed directly by the energy services manager.

Furthermore, the incentives support this form of energy supply also through the storage systems, which allow you to store excess energy to use it later.

Where to inquire

To support citizens and businesses in the evaluation and choice with respect to the adoption of a photovoltaic system for collective self-consumption or for an energy community, the same GSE, the Energy Services Managercreated a portal dedicated.

The site allows you to analyze and predict the possible benefits of the investment both in terms of energy and economic savings in the bill, and reduction of the environmental impact. It also allows access to incentives and their calculation.

