Batistuta: “Cassano makes me tenderness. Being unpleasant is a nice compliment “- – Latest news As Roma football – Interviews, photos and videos

The Lion King adds: “Antonio as soon as he arrived in Rome was unable to settle down, I spoke to my wife, we took him to our house and now to hear that he speaks like this I’m really sorry”

“Now I smile more, I am more relaxed. For me football has been a job, a beautiful job but also a great responsibility” says Gabriel Omar Batistutaformer Fiorentina striker and Romeinterviewed by The nation.

“There are people who paid to see me and I could not afford it was just a game. So I took everything seriously and I had no room to relax, I looked tough. One joke is enough to make a fuss and you journalists are always lurking. Now I’m definitely nicer “.

Antonio Cassano (his teammate in the Roma scudetto) said that Bati was not at all sympathetic. Do you have something to tell him?“Being considered unpleasant by Cassano seems to me a nice compliment … I’ll tell you something: as soon as I arrived in Rome I saw him bewildered – says Batistuta – he couldn’t get used to it, I talked to my wife, we took him to our house and now to hear that he talks like this I’m really sorry. She makes me tenderness. She didn’t take advantage of the chance she gave him football to grow as a person. “
