Russia arrests director of Ukrainian nuclear power plant Zaporizhzhya

Russia arrests director of Ukrainian nuclear power plant Zaporizhzhya

A Russian patrol arrested and took the director of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, Ichor Murashov, on Friday. Report that international news agencies Saturday. No message from Murashov has been forthcoming since then. The nuclear power plant is located in one of the four regions that Russian President Vladimir Putin regards as Russian territory after the sham referendum on Friday. The Zaporizhzhya Power Plant is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and owned by state nuclear company Energoatom.

According to Reuters news agency, Murashov was taken around 4 p.m. Friday afternoon. Petro Kotin, the head of Energoatom, writes in a Telegram message that Murashov on his way from the plant to the city of Energodar “was taken out of his car, blindfolded and driven in an unknown direction.” Kotin accuses the Russians of “kidnapping”. Russia has not yet responded to the allegations.

The Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was previously shut down because the building was damaged by shelling. At the beginning of March, the Russians took over the plant, but it was still manned by Ukrainians after that. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky calls for demilitarization of the area around the plant.

The Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant is the largest in Europe. Photo Alexander Ermochenko / Reuters
