ERC-Junts crisis | Maintain your position!, article by Andreu Claret

As usual, Carles Puigdemont It helps us navigate through the mists that dominate the insomniac struggle between the Catalan independence fighters. While in Barcelona the leaders of Republican Left and of Together for Catalonia Some speak of trust, and others of mandate, terms whose virtuality escapes the majority of mortals, he calls to “maintain the position”, something that everyone can understand. In military parlance, holding position has two meanings. The first is equivalent to the firm! with which the officers square the troops. In other words, stand up, firm, with an assertive and straight posture, generally looking forward, chin up, chest out, shoulders back and stomach hard. The second meaning has to do with an Italian philosopher, Antony Gramsci, who died in Mussolini’s prisons. It is equivalent to maintaining the position conquered while waiting for more favorable circumstances to go on the offensive again. It is not a nice slogan, because position is usually held from a trench full of rats and subjected to enemy artillery (nowadays drones), and is usually only accepted by the troops if there is unshakeable faith in the boss. It’s about putting up with the guy until Puigdemont says “go for them”.

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This is the spirit that presided over the meeting of the Junts per Catalunya executive this Thursday to decide on the decision of the president of the Generalitat to dismiss his vice president, the strong man of the party in government. In another latitude, nobody would understand that a formation in coalition with another remained in government after such an affront. Here, to leave the Palau de la Generalitat, for now, nothing. As much as Laura Borràs advocated doing so, the voice of the one who really commands has prevailed, since Waterloo. Hold your position! Puigdemont ordered. In other words, return the ball to Aragonès’s court, asking him to define himself on three conditions that can be summed up in one: accept an unfeasible program that sentences him politically.

Puigdemont has this idea very well thought out. If the Catalan government goes out into the open and begins to govern, the one who benefits from the results is Esquerra. If he entrenches himself in the rhetoric of 1-O, he stops solving the country’s problems, Aragonès will waste away at the Palau, while Puigdemont will maintain his reserve status for when times are better. How long can this game be sustained, which has a high price for Catalan society in times of crisis like the current ones? Nobody knows. Puigdemont is in no hurry and the ERC are not going to do him the favor of taking responsibility for the breakup. Where will the pitcher break? Junts’ sibylline proposal has a weak point: the consultation to the militancy. As much as their leaders try to cool down the atmosphere, the militants are for the rupture because they don’t get paid from the Administration. Unless Carles Puigdemont explains better the advantages of maintaining the position. He will do it in a few days, in front of the Arc de Triomphe.
