Still sad about Lucas Cornelissen: ‘If only we had been prouder’

After the deliberate night of disaster in May, a sea of ​​flowers lay along the Dommel in Den Bosch, where 20-year-old Lucas Cornelissen from Vlijmen was killed. The flowers have now withered, but the grief remains with his family and friends.

Written by

Rochelle Moes

“Lucas was a busy, impulsive, sweet and caring boy who always wanted to push the boundaries. First act and then think”, says his mother. His sister laughs: “He was very present, for example suddenly stormed into my room. I always found that irritating. Now I sometimes think: if only that happened.”

“We didn’t really realize how big and famous he was.”

Lucas was known from TikTok. There he shared with his 154,000 followers in a humorous way what he experienced in his life. Lucas’ parents underestimated how successful their son was on the social medium. “We actually didn’t realize how big and famous he was,” says his father Ruud.

“When he went to town and said everyone wanted to take a picture with him, we were always like: take it easy, feet on the ground.” His mother Patricia with a lump in her throat: “I should have been a little more proud of that afterwards.”

Lucas drove home on his scooter on the night of May 18 after a night out. Until it went wrong at the Molenberg. Instead of going up the bicycle bridge, Lucas rode his scooter down the adjacent stairs. He ended up in the water and died.

“I would have preferred to make it for someone else.”

“The police were at the door at ten to two,” his mother says. “Then your world collapses.” Lucas’ father makes bronze statues and is now working on a statue of Lucas. “That will soon also be the urn. I just would rather have made it for someone else than for my own son.”

As part of All Souls’ Day, KRO-NCRV and the regional broadcasters will broadcast special commemorative programs from October 31 to November 4: ‘For whom do you light a candle?’ Omroep Brabant also contributed to this.

You can see the portrait of Lucas Cornelissen in the video.

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