The CGPJ ignores Lesmes’s attempts and again delays the appointments in the Constitutional Court

As expected, after learning of the agreement reached on Wednesday afternoon by eight members of the conservative group of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), this body continues to block the renewal of the Constitutional Court (TC) due to its inability to reach consensus on who should be the two magistrates that correspond to him to designate. The visit to Spain of the EU Justice Commissioner, Didier Reynders has been the last pretext used by this sector of the body, which understands that the presence of the European leader in our country “justifies evaluating its results” before making any decision in this regard.

The result of the plenary is translated into a personal failure of the president of the CGPJ himself, Carlos Lesmes, who was the one who introduced the issue of appointments on the agenda of the meeting despite the lack of agreement to agree on two names that has been evident for several months now. In this way, the Council continues to fail to comply with the latest legislative reform, which forced it to approve two names for the TC – presumably a progressive and a conservative court magistrate – before last September 13.

New opportunity

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In spite of everything, the vowels will be given a new opportunity next week. The members of the negotiating committee for the appointments will maintain new contacts until next Thursday, October 5, when another meeting will be held between them.

This is a compromise reached during the debate held this Thursday, in which it was also decided that, if an agreement is reached on the 5th, an extraordinary plenary session will be convened to proceed with the appointment of the proposed candidates, which will take place the following day, Thursday, October 6. In the event that there is no agreement, the Plenary will meet again, also in an extraordinary session, on Thursday, October 13, so that the members of the negotiating commission give an account of the steps taken.
