Minilifting arms: what it is and how to perform the intervention of the moment

No.Despite physical activity and sports, there are some areas particularly prone to sagging, on all, the arms. With the passage of time and age these become more and more “soft” and there are also those who complain about them so-called “bat wings”. An aesthetic and professional treatment can therefore become a (minimally invasive) solution to restore tone and shape them. Dr. Pierluigi Sings, Plastic Surgeon in Naples and Rome tells how.

Laxity in the arms and “bat wings”: what are they?

When it comes to laxity in the arms or “bat wings” we mean that skin blemish that often affects after losing a lot of weight or if you do not follow constant physical activity. Nonetheless, sometimes only age is to blame for the progress of this condition which, in some cases, can create a feeling of embarrassment.

The settlements are mostly located at the base of the arms: identify themselves as a ‘excess skin that is loose-toned and can create a feeling of anxiety and tension, even in making a simple gesture like raising your arms to say hello.

Firming the arms with minilifting

«Let’s start by saying that beauty machines and technologies can do a lot, but not completely firm the arms in case of lost tone. Just an intervention aesthetic can reposition tissues that are already very subject to sagging »says the doctor.

“The minilifting it represents the ideal solution for patients not too advanced in age. The skin, in fact, still retains some tension and the accumulation of fat is not excessively evidentContinues the expert. “To minimize risks and complications, it is essential to strictly observe the surgeon’s instructions both before and after surgery.”

How the surgery is performed

«There are no particular pre-operative indications. The patient, as with any operation, will only have to provide the specialist with the results of the prescribed tests ».

«We then proceed in local anesthesia with light sedation which will allow you to proceed with the lipoaspiration with partial removal of excess skin. A small scar in the axillary sore will be the only sign of the operation that will leave room for rediscovered happiness and the rediscovery of one’s body “explains Dr. Sing.

Jennifer Lopez, training to have sculpted arms and abs is exhausting

Arm post-surgery recommendations

«The patient in the following days will have to wear an elastic sheath, similar to an ordinary shrug. Respect a little rest and then you can resume work and everyday life, without particular side effects

The costs of minilifting on the arms

“THE costs may vary from case to case but indicatively they are around a figure between 3 and 6 thousand euros “. One recommendation: always rely on an expert. Prices that are too low must be viewed with suspicion: low-cost and surgery are never synonymous »concludes Dr. Cantanta.

