Huizen will finally receive a new hotel ship for asylum seekers: 190 places for 6 months

The same place, the same goal, but a different ship: Huizen will have an additional reception center for asylum seekers in mid-October. Just like at the beginning of this year, a hotel ship will be moored in the working port, the municipality said. A maximum of 190 asylum seekers can be temporarily accommodated on the ship, after which the ship has to leave again.

This time it concerns the ship MS Fortuna. It is currently expected that the ship will arrive in Huizen on 15 October and can then be prepared for reception by the Central Asylum Reception Organ (COA). The first asylum seekers are expected in the week of 24 October.

The signals for a new hotel ship had been green for a while in Huizen. The local council already showed at the end of August that she would like to think along with COA to realize new reception places. All agreements on subjects such as safety and supervision were also discussed by the municipal council at the time.

Reception Houses

The hotel ship, which was docked in Huizen from January to the beginning of April, could count on a lot of support from the residents of Huizen. Several initiatives were quickly set up by the Volunteer Center, Churches & Mosques. At the time, the ship had slightly fewer reception places, namely 150, but otherwise the frameworks around the new ship seem almost identical.
