Dissatisfaction in the East grows

Dissatisfaction in the East grows

According to a survey, only 26 percent of those questioned in the east were satisfied with the work of the federal government (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / photothek | Florian Gaertner

From BZ/dpa

According to a media report, dissatisfaction with the political situation is growing in the eastern federal states.

In the summer of 2022, only 31 percent of people were satisfied overall, the portal reported.The Pioneer‘ on Friday, citing the new annual report on the status of German unity.

That was nine percent less than in 2020. In western countries, satisfaction was 44 percent, ten points less than two years earlier.

The report is due to be officially released next week. According to “The Pioneer”, it contains the so-called Germany Monitor, a survey conducted by the Info Institute among around 4,000 people in East and West in July and August 2022. At the time, only 26 percent of those surveyed in the East were satisfied with the work of the federal government , compared to 42 percent in 2020.

Only 43 percent of East Germans and 58 percent of West Germans are of the opinion “that you can always express your opinion freely without getting into trouble”, compared to 50 and 63 percent respectively two years ago. Economically, the East is only very slowly catching up with the West, as it was also said.


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