Drug sales by delivery service? Septet in court

By Karin Hendrich

The men on the left, the women on the right – as in the dance school, the alleged “employees” of a drug delivery service sat opposite each other on Thursday in Moabit’s most modern courtroom 142. In elegant black or festive beige.

According to the indictment, the septet joined forces in January 2022 to illicitly trade in narcotics:

Seyit D (28) as an organizer who is said to have pulled the strings.

Vice Marco K. (24)his right hand and always looking for bunker apartments.

The others as delivery drivers: Philipp H. (22), Vladislav De. (26).

And the three beauties: Charlotte B. (22), Lisa Ku. (24) and Rukiyye Ka. (22). They brought, according to the allegation, the drugs ordered by mobile phone in the Berlin city area by car to “Marion”, “Biene”, “Micha”, “Albi”, a “little dwarf” or whatever their customers still called themselves.

Until the police put an end to the lively trade at midday on March 29, 2022, arresting the completely surprised gang in the act of packing the goods in one of the bunker apartments in Schöneberg.

And made plenty of “loot” in the 1-room apartment on the 7th floor and in the basement. Around 3 kilos of cocaine, 8 kilos of ketamine, small amounts of amphetamine mixture and MDMA, a vacuum sealer on the dresser and a precision scale, a money counting machine on the table, 30,000 euros in the ventilation shaft… More bills in the pockets of those present. And also in Lisa Ku’s apartments. (8350 euros), Charlotte B. (more than 4150 euros) and Rukiyye Ka. (930 euros)

For the next day of the trial, all the defendants announced that they would make statements.

Continued: Monday (September 26)
