Who knows this gas station gangster?

The police are using this photo to find the person they are looking for

The police are using this photo to find the person they are looking for Photo: Police Berlin

From the BZ editorial team

Who knows this man? He is said to have tried to rob a gas station. Now the Berlin police are asking for information from the population.

According to current knowledge, the suspect, masked with a grey-black scarf, entered the salesroom on Johannisthaler Chaussee around 7 p.m. on January 6th. Pointing a gun, he asked the seller to hand over the money. When another customer approached the gas station, the man fled without prey.

Description of suspect:
► Normal to compact stature
► Approx. 160 cm tall (estimated)
► Approx. 18-22 years old according to recognizable facial features
► European phenotype
► Black hooded jacket with white cords and white lettering
► White sports shoes with black applications
► Black pants
► Masked with gray scarf with black stripes

The criminal police asks:
► Who knows the person shown?
► Who can provide information about your whereabouts?
► Who made conspicuous observations at the time in question?

The criminal police of Directorate 4 in Eiswaldtstr. 18, 12249 Berlin-Lankwitz, on the telephone number (030) 4664 – 473 111 or any other police station.


Berlin police police investigation robbery
