Geraniums or pelargoniums must be taken care of even in winter

S.ì, ‘g’ as ‘geranium’ but mind you, the ones we will talk about are pelargoniums. Well yes, because geraniums and pelargoniums, to be precise, are two different plants. Geraniums, genus Geranium, the real ones, are not the ones that traditionally decorate our balconies (because these are the pelargonium, kind Pelargonium), but they are rustic herbaceous that we find in spring in the meadows or that we plant in flower beds or mixed borders. You have present those flowers similar to small stars, of a blue-violet or bright pink color, which as soon as the temperatures become milder peek out among the tender blades of grass, among the stones or even between the cracks in the walls? Here, these are the real geraniums.

Geranium ‘Rozanne’, a hardy herbaceous perennial garden with a prolonged flowering, from May to frost. Photo: Wikicommons

Pelargoni in January

Pelargoniums are the ones that color the balconies and gardens by the sea in the summer, so what does January have to do with pelargonium? Is January Time for Pelargonium? Of course yes, this month too, like the other winter months, it’s time to take care of the pelargoniums because those of us who have the luck and the possibility to protect the plants in winter must not forget to wet them; it is true that we are in winter but we must not completely suspend irrigation, as we must not forget to wet_ preferably in the hottest hours of the day _all the potted plants we have outdoors.

The common geranium or soft geranium, Geranium molle, a spontaneous annual or biennial plant throughout Italy

The common geranium or soft geranium, Geranium molle, a spontaneous annual or biennial plant throughout Italy. Photo: Wikicommons

Caring for annual blooms

Why change all of our annual blooms every year? We choose the pelargoniums and try to shelter them in winter, in the absence of a greenhouse or a veranda a bright and unheated room is suitable: in this way we will create our collection of pelargonium that for several years (five or more!), between the end of April and the beginning of May, we will be able to take outdoors where they can give their best until autumn.

Pelargonium 'Apple Blossom Rosebud': one of the oldest pelargoniums with flowers similar to small roses, a favorite of Queen Victoria.

Pelargonium ‘Apple Blossom Rosebud’: one of the oldest pelargoniums with flowers similar to small roses, a favorite of Queen Victoria. Photo: Wikicommons

The most modern varieties and cultivars do have showy, colorful flowers but there are ancient, very refined, two-colored, collectible ones, so double that they look like small roses. as the Pelargonium ‘Apple Blossom Rosebud’.

Flowers in winter: from hellebore to ornamental cabbage

Flowers in winter: from hellebore to ornamental cabbage

Did you know some of these ancient double-flowered varieties on special occasions were they put in the buttonhole?

We must remember to wet them, both in winter and in summer, but do not exceed, let’s remember that it is a plant of South African origin, used to dry climates, not too humid: passionate and botanical travelers, leave with a light heart!

Where to buy geraniums and pelargoniums

Particular and collectible geraniums and pelargoniums can be found at:

Az. Agr. The Ancient Flower
via Chiavari, 7
00048 Neptune (Rm)
cell. 347.1558158 | cell. 328.3834957
[email protected]
Reference: Tiziana Meluzzi

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