A girl locked in a bus, by Albert Sáez

A three-year-old girl spent all of Monday inside the bus that was taking her to her school in Sitges. Hours alone. The monitors and the driver of the vehicle did not realize that she stayed inside it when the others got out. The school did nothing when she saw that she did not arrive with the group. The parents continued to work. What a tremendous summary of our time! The best will come now. The president of the Regional Council, in charge of the service, has already separated the transport monitors from the service. She then she will come change the bus concession. Open a file to teachers. And the opposition will double the bet asking for tougher legislation and, not to mention, more budget while with the other hand it proposes to eliminate the wealth tax. And so over and over again. this is populism.

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No one will come out of the bubble and think. Is it logical to put 3-year-olds on buses to go to school? It would be interesting to pull the thread and look for the chain of decisions, individual and collective, voluntary and induced, that led that girl to that bus. And doing so does not have to mean blaming parents, teachers, monitors, drivers or the educational administration. We usually consider that “the system” put that girl on the bus. She calms consciences. But it wasn’t just the system. It is a chain of decisions that can be logical analyzed one by one. But they end up creating an absurd result. And in each of those decisions, the protagonists have established priorities. And each of those priorities means that they place more value on one thing than another. It is false that this is a world without values. There are always values, although later we like the results more or less.

A great revolution, individual or collective, would get that girl off the bus. Some will ask that school transport with such young children be prohibited. Others who give themselves maternity and paternity leave up to six years. Or put a monitor for every two children on the bus. But anyway, that girl can be taken off the bus by something as simple as sending her children to school near her work and not her home. Or that a parent is allowed to take care of several children without forcing him to set up a school.
